Makers Lab

Makers Lab
- presso IPSIA Galilei Via Avenale 6 Castelfranco Veneto

domenica 11 ottobre 2015

Makers Girls at MakerFaire Rome 2015

The students  representatives of the IPSIA Galilei, a Graduate Technical School of Venetian Region, are attending the Berlin Maker-Fair 2015, one of the best electronic digital exhibition of the world. The people are attracted by the concept of “Droni by Art” which is the use of Drones for Art promotion and communication.
For IPSIA, this occasion is a very important international visibility with consequences for research and development.
The concept “Droni by Art” has been tested in various places, such as museums, Venice Biennale, theater, historic gardens, art galery and open spaces: performance and press service directed by Prof. Daniele Pauletto and Ph.D. Angelo Miatello. In the last 72nd Venice International Film Festival (09/03/2015) is presented a dvd “Droni CD_droni by art_interviste_filmatiby Art” with fifty-three interview, at the Region Space Film Commission in Grand Hotel Excelsior.
“The Venice Film Festival was established in 1932. It is the oldest film festival in the world. The first edition took place in the terrace of the Excelsior Hotel on the Lido. The Festival became an annual event in 1935.”
“Droni by Art” is the first time in an International Film Board and has been huge interest and curiosity.

The Berlin Maker-Faire is the first exhibition for innovators, creative minds and out-of-IMG-20151003-WA0005the-box thinkers show their gadgets: from simple DIY projects to innovative prototypes. October 3rd and 4th 2015. Over 120 exhibitors will promote the new Maker movement and want to inspire participation. The aim is to strengthen the maker movement in Germany and provide makers and interested parties with a networking platform.

The concept “Droni by Art” has been tested in various places, such as museums, Venice Biennale, theater, historic gardens, art galery and open spaces: performance and press service directed by Prof. Daniele Pauletto and Ph.D.
Tribuna di Treviso

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